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John Jesensky, Harry Potter, Cineconcerts
John Jesensky, Harry Potter, Cineconcerts
Goblet of Fire John Jesensky.jpg
John Jesensky, Harry Potter, Cineconcerts
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John Jesensky, Titanic Live, Avex
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - In Concert

For the first time ever, audiences around the world will experience the full film from one of the most beloved series in history, projected in HD on the big screen, while a full symphony

orchestra performs John Williams' unforgettable score.


John Jesensky - Conductor


Halifax, NS - Live with Symphony Nova Scotia

Scotiabank Centre, Halifax

15th November, 2019 at 7:30PM



Bangkok, Thailand

November, 2019

Stay Tuned for Info!



Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Live in Concert

The Harry Potter Film Concert Series continues with the second adventure!  The film will be projected in HD on the big screen, while a full symphony orchestra performs John Williams' masterful sequel score.


John Jesensky - Conductor


Jackson, MS - Live with the Memphis Symphony Orchestra

Thalia Mara Hall, Jackson

29th February, 2019 at 8:00PM





Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Live in Concert

Something wicked this way comes for our third year at Hogwarts!  

The film will be projected in HD on the big screen, while a full symphony orchestra and choir performs John Williams' masterpiece score in its entirety.


John Jesensky - Conductor


Bogota, Columbia

October, 2019

Stay Tuned for Info!


Norfolk, VA - Live with The Virginia Symphony

Norfolk Crysler Hall, Norfolk

30th November, 2019 at 8:00PM



Madison, WI - Live with the Madison Symphony Orchestra

Madison Overture Hall, Madison

31st January, 2020 at 8:00PM



Richmond, VA

Altria Theater, Richmond

15th February, 2020 at 8:00PM





Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Live in Concert

Join Harry for his fourth year at Hogwarts, and enter the dangerous TriWizard Tournament!  With dragons, mermaids, and an evil quickly growing stronger, adventure awaits at every turn.  The film will be projected in HD on the big screen while a full symphony orchestra performs Patrick Doyle's masterful score.


John Jesensky - Conductor


Columbus, OH - Live with Columbus Symphony

Ohio Theatre, Columbus

18th January, 2020 at 2:00PM

18th January, 2020 at 8:00PM



Hartford, CT - Live with Hartford Symphony

The Bushnell, Hartford

28th March, 2020 at 1:00PM

28th March, 2020 at 7:00PM





Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - Live in Concert

Relive the adventure of a curious plot afoot at Hogwarts, and the dark secrets that will forever change the course of Harry's destiny!


The film will be projected in HD on the big screen, while a full symphony orchestra performs Nicholas Hooper's score in its entirety.


John Jesensky - Conductor


San Jose, CA - Live with Symphony Silicon Valley

San Jose Center for the Performing Arts, San Jose

9th November, 2019 at 2:30PM

9th November, 2019 at 7:30PM

10th November, 2019 at 1:30PM




Ghostbusters - In Concert

From Schirmer Theatrical, experience Ivan Reitman's two-time Oscar and Golden Globe-nominated film, screened live as an orchestra performs Elmer Bernstein's Grammy-nominated score and Ray Parker Jr.'s Billboard Hot 100 chart-topping theme.


John Jesensky - Conductor


Calgary, CA - Live with Calgary Philharmonic

Jack Singer Concert Hall, Calgary

25th October, 2019 at 7:30PM

26th October, 2019 at 2:00PM



Baltimore, MD - Live with Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, Baltimore

2nd November, 2019 at 8:00PM

3rd November, 2019 at 3:00PM





Titanic - Film with Live Orchestra

Experience James Cameron's cultural phenomenon - Titanic - like never before. Featuring a massive live orchestra and chorus performing James Horner's epic and beloved score live as the film is shown in HD on the big screen!


John Jesensky - Conductor


Montreal, CA - Live with l’Orchestre FILMharmonique

Place des Arts, Montreal

8th February, 2020 at 7:30PM

9th February, 2020 at 2:00PM


John Jesensky, Conductor, Harry Potter, Sorcerer's Stone, Quidditch, Orchestra



HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. J.K. ROWLING`S WIZARDING WORLD™ J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s17)
CineConcerts Interview
September 2019

It was my honor to have CineConcerts conduct a 2-part interview with me as one of their featured conductors!  Part one below!


CineConcerts Interview


Ottawa Citizen: Harry Potter Article/Interview
January 2019

Lynn Saxberg was great to talk "Potter Shop" with this past week!  Check out the interview below!


Ottawa Citizen


A Nasty Re-Gifting
December 2018

Back in time to ruin Christmas once again, the amazing ALTER has been awesome enough to serve up a second helping of "MIDNIGHT CLEAR" for everyone!  With a script written by Joe Russo and myself, we are very proud that our little demonic baby has done so well for itself!  If you haven't seen it yet, check it out below!


Midnight Clear - Alter


Midnight Clear: Featured by Entertainment Weekly
December 2017

My latest collaboration with director Joe Russo has been featured in the esteemed "movies" column of Entertainment Weekly!  This nasty little "Christmas Present" is our homage to The Twilight Zone both in style, and in commentary.  Enjoy, but not too much!


Midnight Clear - Entertainment Weekly


Hartford Courant: Harry Potter Article/Interview
October 2017

The Hartford Courant interviewed me about my upcoming concert series with my home-state orchestra, The Hartford Symphony!!


Hartford Courant


Bradenton Herald: Harry Potter Article/Interview
September 2017

The Bradenton Herald interviewed me about an upcoming Harry Potter concert in Tampa. 


Bradenton Herald


Behind the Audio: Harry Potter Article/Interview
August 2017

Behind the Audio recently attended a performance of Harry Potter in Concert that I conducted.  Read their review and interview with yours truly at the link below!


Behind the Audio

Who's There?  Short Goes Live!
April 2016

Collaborating with filmaker Joe Russo is one of the great priviledges in my career.  He has a great visual eye that feels like 1980's Spielberg got blended with Hitchcock and blasted into the 21st century.  Mali Elfman apparently agrees, since she decided to feature us on her site, Fun Size Horror - the "Funny or Die" of all things scary!  Check it out!!


Who's There? - Fun Size Horror


Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage REVIEW!
February 2016

Reviews of our US tour are beginning to pour in, and the reception has been great!

It truly is my honor to conduct such outstanding musicians with a tour filled with amazing content, beautiful venues, and

a perfect crew!


Click here for one of the reviews!


Huffington Post Article/Interview
August 2015

The Huffington Post recently interviewed me about my music and career!  If you admire the awkward art of speaking about yourself while trying (and failing) to not sound conceited, check it out!!


The Huffington Post - John Jesensky

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